• Graduation, Flu + Pitcherperfect review

    Hi all, lots of things happened in the past few weeks. I’ve officially finished my BA marketing diploma. The ceremony went smoothly and much more pleasant than I thought thanks to my lovely guests. I caught some nasty flu shortly after and missed a whole week of work… haha oh well. I’m still suffering a little but at least I don’t have lingering fever anymore thanks to antibiotics. I’ll also show you some of the latte arts I poured with my new pitcher!

    Graduation – Winter 2025

    I mainly feel relieved rather than feeling proud of myself. It took me much longer to finish this 2 year program.. I started during Covid and now it’s 2025. I can’t lie I feel a little shameful even. I’m not even sure what I will do with my diploma, if I still want to build a career with it. But I guess I did finish it after all. My family back in Korea was super proud of me for finishing the program all alone in a foreign country. At least that makes me happy.

    I was very grateful for my guests – My fiance Andreas, mother in law Elizabeth, and my best friend Cristal made it one of my best days ever. Went to the Dean House for dinner (thanks Andreas) and Cristal served us the best dessert ever!

    Pavlova, cream, lemon curd

    Pitcherperfect vs MHW 3bomber

    Went to 8 ounce coffee to grab my first pitcher. Jesse and other staffs were really helpful and friendly! He let me pour my own latte before I decide to buy the pitcher too 🙂 Highly recommend this place for coffee and gears. Everyone’s so knowledgable.


    Jesse was one of my interviewer for my past interview at 8 ounce.. I still want to work here one day.

    My coworker Yani brought her bomber pitcher to work one time and I tried it to pour rosetta. I never knew pouring can feel so smooth and easy..? This is what sparked me to get my own pitcher.

    MHW 3bomber

    I’m still not really familiar with my new pitcher, I’ve only used it for one shift but so far I love it! I definitely need more handling practice. Record myself pouring and see what’s my issue maybe?


    I’ll be back with better pours and more posts now that I’m feeling better! Thank you for reading my first post ever. See you all next week <3